Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bahama Dawn

As promised, a close up of my beautiful, handmade jewelry I wear everyday, by Bahama Dawn:
This is my piece, above, without the extra addition of my Amen pendant, that you can see (it's the bright blue bit shining!!!) in the previous post that just perfectly matched the bluebird on my boots and the Bahama water in the background...
Mine is the Amen pendant with a sturdy silver and copper clasp but it would easily be interchangeable with any of these bright baubles to complement your mood and/or outfit, boots included!!
See more exquisite, heart-inspired works of art by Bahama Dawn at:


and feel loved as soon as you get your specially packaged treasures in the mail!

Oh, and that green pendant is making me want to go ahead and finish my Lucky Boots design I've put on the back burner....more to come!


  1. Thank you!! I am overwhelmed with gratitude for you posting this!

  2. I am grateful every day that you create such beautiful things:)
